Inhibition Film


Gale Encyclopedia of Medicine. Copyright 2008 The Gale Group, Inc. Reduction of rate of reaction or process. habeo, to have] Medical Dictionary for the Dental Professions © Farlex 2012

Inhibition movie trailer

These alternating states of distraction (state 0) and attention (state 1) are latent states, which cannot be observed and which are completely unaware to the subject. Additionally, the concept of inhibition is introduced, which is also latent. The assumption is made, that during states of attention inhibition linearly increases with a certain slope a[1], and during states of distraction linearly inhibition decreases with a certain slope a[0]. According to this view the distraction states can be considered as a sort of recovery states. It is further assumed, that when the inhibition increases during a state of attention, depending on the amount of increase, the inclination to switch to a distraction state also increases and when the inhibition decreases during a state of distraction, depending on the amount of decrease, the inclination to switch to an attention state increases. The inclination to switch from one state to the other is mathematically described as a transition rate or hazard rate, which makes the whole process of alternating distraction times and attention times a stochastic process.

Inhibition, in psychology, conscious or unconscious constraint or curtailment of a process or behaviour, especially of impulses or desires. Inhibition serves necessary social functions, abating or preventing certain impulses from being acted on ( e. g., the desire to hit someone in the heat of anger) and enabling the delay of gratification from pleasurable activities. Conscious inhibition is a common occurrence in daily life and is present whenever two conflicting desires are experienced ( e. g., the desire to eat a rich dessert versus the desire to lose weight). Read More on This Topic memory: Interference A prominent theory of forgetting at the behavioral level is anchored in the phenomenon of interference, or inhibition, which can be either... Psychoanalytic theory views inhibition as a largely unconscious mechanism that mediates between the superego (the conscience) and the id (primitive desires). Taboos, such as those against incest or murder, are those socially imposed inhibitions which are raised to the level of unwritten laws.

inhibition [ in″hĭ-bish´un] 1. arrest or restraint of a process. 2. in psychoanalysis, the conscious or unconscious restraining of an impulse or desire. adj., adj inhib´itory. competitive inhibition inhibition of enzyme activity by an inhibitor (a substrate analogue) that competes with the substrate for binding sites on the enzymes. contact inhibition inhibition of cell division and cell motility in normal animal cells when in close contact with each other. noncompetitive inhibition inhibition of enzyme activity by substances that combine with the enzyme at a site other than that utilized by the substrate. Miller-Keane Encyclopedia and Dictionary of Medicine, Nursing, and Allied Health, Seventh Edition. © 2003 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved. in·hi·bi·tion ( in'hi-bi'shŭn), 1. Depression or arrest of a function. See also: inhibitor. In psychoanalysis, the restraining of instinctive or unconscious drives or tendencies, especially if they conflict with one's conscience or with societal demands.

The stranger shows Carol that true freedom is only found in letting go. Claudine Beccarie was, not unlike her character in the film, embarking on a new phase of her life when INHIBITION was filmed. Having become one of the biggest stars of French pornography, as well as achieving worldwide notoriety as the subject of the famed documentary EXHIBITION, Beccarie decided to leave that life behind and attempt to cross over into legitimate film. INHIBITION was her first starring vehicle and she acquits herself with a lightness and ease that she never displayed in her hardcore work (for which, even at the time, she professed distaste for. ) She breathes the right amount of anger and pathos into her role, making her debut a memorable one. Not content to simply make another T&A picture, director Paolo Poeti (under the name Paul Price) instead delves deep into the psyche of his leading character. When we first meet Carol (Beccarie), she is seen as no more than your run-of-the-mill "rich bitch. "

Top Definitions Quizzes Related Content Examples Explore Dictionary British Medical Scientific Cultural [ in-i- bish - uh n, in-hi-] / ˌɪn ɪˈbɪʃ ən, ˌɪn hɪ- / noun the act of inhibiting. the state of being inhibited. something that inhibits; constraint. Psychology. the blocking or holding back of one psychological process by another. inappropriate conscious or unconscious restraint or suppression of behavior, as sexual behavior, often due to guilt or fear produced by past punishment, or sometimes considered a dispositional trait. Physiology. a restraining, arresting, or checking of the action of an organ or cell. the reduction of a reflex or other activity as the result of an antagonistic stimulation. a state created at synapses making them less excitable by other sources of stimulation. Chemistry. a stoppage or decrease in the rate of action of a chemical reaction. English Ecclesiastical Law. an order, especially from a bishop, suspending a priest or an incumbent from the performance of duties.

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