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As a Charmeleon, it was able to use Seismic Toss, a move it didn't learn until evolving into a Charizard. Furthermore, Butterfree knows Gust, a move he didn't learn at all in the main series. See more » Goofs During the infamous scene where Pikachu speaks English, it claims it doesn't like going in the Poke Ball because it doesn't want to leave Ash's side. This makes absolutely no sense, as Pikachu didn't like going in the ball even back at first, when it didn't even like Ash yet. See more » Quotes [ last lines] Narrator: The always-fascinating world of Pokemon, the most diverse and unusual creatures on the planet. They can be found up in the sky, under the sea, in forests, and living in towns. One can see Pokemon in every corner of the world! People and Pokemon, forming all kinds of bonds, and living harmoniously in a world made just for them. And this young man, Ash Ketchum from Pallet town, together with his partner Pikachu, continues to work toward his goal of becoming a Pokemon Master.

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Courageous and smart writing. The final group of episodes lacks the long-term cohesion of the previous year but still offers some exciting shows. As a series, Atlantis is over, and that makes me a bit sad. It was exactly what I expected, but didn't really desire, but it was still Stargate through and through. Audience Reviews for Stargate Atlantis: Season 5 Dec 06, 2019 Great to watch to leave, but sad to see you go! News & Features

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