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You know, like how most peoples' cars in the '80s and early '90s looked. I though to myself, well If a policeman didn't care much for the copyright law then does that tell us more about the cop or the law itself? I've met several cops since who openly admit to smoking weed and taking ecstasy and few of them would think twice about downloading the latest movie over bittorrent. These aren't bad cops, they're some of the finest people I've met in life. "On the one hand information wants to be expensive, because it's so valuable. The right information in the right place just changes your life. On the other hand, information wants to be free, because the cost of getting it out is getting lower and lower all the time. So you have these two fighting against each other" - Stewart Brand, 1984 One of the Amiga disks that fell into my collection as a kid was a huge e-book called 'The Jolly Roger's Cookbook'. I was about 13 or 14 at the time. In it were in-depth how-to's on everything from how to make LSD and get high from banana skins to detailed guides on hacking VAX machines, ATM's and phone booths, and even bomb making instructions.

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Bitcoin, your bank balance, like the DNA in your body or the cluster of an atomic nucleus, is just information. And, just like that DNA in your body, it neither needed nor sought permission to come into being. The technology luddites and those who profit from keeping information expensive will give their all to stopping this information revolution and stemming the flow. Be it in the name of corporate profits or National Security, they will tell you that some information is just too valuable and/or dangerous to be free. And nothing is more dangerous or valuable than the information that represents the amount of loaves you can put on a table, or the amount of votes you can buy to keep those loaves in the coterie of you and your friends. And yet their efforts to censor and subvert will be thwarted time and time again, just as we have seen with the entertainment industries failure to stop bittorrent, the taxi drivers' attempts to stymie UBER, and the futile governmental backlash against Snowden and Assange.

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"Careful, kiddies! That's sulfuric acid, if you fall in there, you aren't coming out! Well, I guess we'll just have to move on to the last guy. I have something especially fun in mind for him! A-hoo-hoo-hooo! " "Yay! " The third man was still unconscious. He was already strapped upside-down to a wooden post. "You see, kiddies, there's a reason he's upside down. In order to stay alive, we need blood to be pumped to our brains. By setting him upside down, gravity will keep more blood pooled in his brain area, so he won't die too fast from blood loss. A-hoo-hoo-hooo! " Harvey skipped to his closet and pulled out an absurdly rusty chainsaw. "Wake the dirty Emerald up! I need to see the fear in his eyes! A-hoo-hoo-hooo! " "Yay! " The kids threw some water on the soldier's face. He groggily came to, as Harvey revved his chainsaw. "What, wait... NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! " Harvey positioned the chainsaw between the man's legs, and began to cut deep into his crotch and into his abdomen. "Don't forget to salt the wound, kiddies!

His Name Was Satoshi Nakamoto: The Fight Club Generation Comes Of Age : Bitcoin

Harvey the Crimson Dinosaur burbled, "We're going to have fun today! " "Yay! " Harvey skipped to a giant toybox. "Aren't toys fun? Let's play! A-hoo-hoo-hoooo! " "Yay! " Harvey and the kids spent about 5 minutes playing. Afterward, Harvey jumped to his feet. "Let's sing the sharing song! A-hoo-hoo-hoooo! " "Yay! " ♫" It's good to share So that everyone gets a turn Unless they're an Emerald In which case they burn! "♫ "Good job kiddies! Now, I have a very special surprise for you! A-hoo-hoo-hooo! " "Yay! " Harvey and the kids skipped over to the back room. Muffled screams could be heard coming from the closet. "A-hoo-hoo-hooo! Looks like one of them has come to. Guess that means he's the lucky winner! " Harvey pulled the man out and wrestled him onto a gurney, which he quickly strapped the man into. "You see that uniform? It's the uniform of the enemy, Emerald. We're all loyal Crimsons, so you know what that means? It means we get to kill him! A-hoo-hoo-hooo! " "Yay! " Harvey danced to a nearby shelf, on which there was a can of gasoline.

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Morgan laughed, "It's literally the only TV show I know of in Crimson. " "Yeah. Sucks that we have to wait half an hour for it to start, though. I'm going to get a bite to eat. You in? " "Nah, I already ate. I guess I'll just watch this Crimson TV for now. " As Masked was returning from his meal, he saw Morgan running to the bathroom. He heard her vomit and decided to ask her what was wrong. "It's horrible! " she sobbed, "Whoever thought that show was a good idea should be shot! " "Oh, come on, it can't be that bad. " "Just watch it. " Masked returned to the stateroom just as the chainsaw scene was playing. "It is that bad. What the fuck is wrong with Crimson? "

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Three or four years after I read the Cookbook, I remember going to watch Fight Club at the cinema with a few friends. I had no idea what the movie was about before going in, but I came out of that cinema a different person. Palahniuk's blistering polemic on western consumerism and excess, culminating in the controlled demolition of skyscrapers housing the financial records of every American, as the Pixies 'Where Is My Mind' pumped into the cinema at 1000 decibels simply blew me away. As a buregoning idealistic computer scientist, the fall of those skyscrapers represented nothing more than the eradication of 1's and 0's in a mainframe… Just bits of information, something that - at least in theory - could be erased with nothing more than a series of gentle anarchistic keystrokes. Certainly, Tyler's vision could be achieved without the need for bombs or the sacrifice of poor old Robert Paulson's tear-soaked manboobs. For many a geek and hacker around the world, Fight Club felt like a call to arms.

January 5, 2021, 9:39 pm