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Labour also promised to spend more on the NHS than the Conservatives, increasing the budget to £155bn by 2023-24. This is £6bn higher than the amount set out last year by the government in its five-year plan. Jo Swinson has rejected calls to stand aside in Labour-held seats represented by Remain-friendly MPs. The Lib Dem leader is under mounting pressure after two of her own candidates withdrew saying they did not want to split the pro-Remain vote. Additionally, the Liberal Democrats pledged to invest £500m per year on youth services in England to try and prevent teenagers from being drawn into violence by adopting a "public health approach" to knife crime. "We are in a knife crime epidemic, but successive governments have taken the wrong approach to dealing with it". Today's megathread is being maintained primarily by /u/jaydenkieran and u/carrot-carrot. ELECTION DETAILS There will be a General Election on 12th December 2019. If you are not registered to vote, you can register online by clicking here.

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A film like 20th Century Women probably did not lose the company $2 million once online sales are factored in; in fact it definitely made money. Of the 52 released films, I've only seen 34 of them, and since I also wanted to provide my rating and commentary (ranked on Letterboxd here, for those who can stand my reviews), I left out the remaining 18 films (but feel free to discuss or recommend them below). I also wanted to determine whether A24 was really the mark of quality it's made out to be, for me anyway. I found my average rating to be 6. 4, which although that doesn't sound very good, is pretty high considering these films are essentially a blind grouping having nothing in common other than distributor. There are outliers in either direction, but the SD is only 2. 1. For critical rating according to Metacritic, the mean is 6. 9 and SD is 1. 5 out of 10. I had lower overall ratings than the aggregator, but we had similar deviations, which means people find them consistent. I also investigated whether the film is an adaptation; since A24 is frequently cited as an 'alternative' to Hollywood, and Hollywood deals overwhelmingly with adaptations these days, I thought it might be interesting.

We really appreciate it. Why is the Group Stage BO2, not BO3 or BO1? The original format was for BO3 but only for eight teams. To accommodate for NaVi and RattleSnake for a better tournament, the format was changed. Instead of simply having BO1, I turned it into BO2. This is better than BO1 because it adds another possible tie-breaker element. Tie-breakers are: (1) The match/es results between the tied teams, (2) Total score of teams after 1 point per 2:0 win has been added to their total games won, (3) Penalty points, (4) Result of BO1 at time agreed by both teams and (5) random draw. Will there be a LAN Finals? No, it is purely an online tournament. I think LANs are great and would love to have one. Personally, unless a sponsor insists, I would prefer only to have a LAN after enough prize money is available for all of the teams or at least a significant amount of teams, depending on their skill level. Life as a pro Dota 2 player can be hard even if you're in an excellent team. All it takes is to unfortunately keep on placing fourth.

Reviewed in the United States on March 3, 2016 Verified Purchase I am torn on rating this film. On the one hand, I want to give 2 stars. It made me uncomfortable, sick, and horrified. On the other hand, I truly believe Kevin Smith wanted that reaction. I think this film sets out to do everything it intended. If this were a s***ty college film, or even a "B movie" from the Scy-Fy channel, I might be able to laugh more. You'd drink a few beers, laugh at the bad acting, crappy dialogue, and poor sepcial effects. But this film is honestly well made. Sincerely. The acting is great. The script is great. The dialogue, pacing, and editing is all great. And perhaps I'm reaching too far into my own humanity, but I WANT to rate it so low because it makes me feel bad. Depressed, alone, and morbid. I do not recommend watching this movie, unless you're a horror-film fan, a Kevin Smith fan, or simply completely curious. Reviewed in the United States on September 26, 2016 Verified Purchase I watched this movie because I am a big Justin Long fan.

The walrus suit design is horrifying yet compelling, the sets are beautiful, and the cinematography is perfect. Whenever Smith tries to be something he's not, he fails as an artist. This is the movie he made for himself to enjoy, and once you know that, you can appreciate it on his level. It should be no surprise that, though it bombed at the box office, this film has turned a profit in home-video sales, and continues to do so. Such has been the case since his second film, Mallrats. People will be talking about this film, for better or worse, for years to come. As a statement of artistic event, Tusk is actually very inspiring. If Kevin Smith, who has never really had a box-office smash (has he? )... if he could get this movie made, of this quality, with these actors, and those designers, on such a small budget... then there's no reason you shouldn't pursue your dreams. Watch it, hate it, complain about it, look behind the scenes, then watch it again. You may be surprised how good it can be.

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I've been fascinated lately with this studio which in three cases has distributed my favorite film of the year and who created the awareness frenzy that catapulted Moonlight to a mainstream BP win in 2016, so I thought I would rewatch all the films I could and do a survey of the results to test its solvency and credibility, with some background for everybody. I decided to do it now in honor of their recent film, A Ghost Story, which I had the opportunity to see last Friday with a Q&A from director Lowery, and so far is my favorite film of 2017. A24 (formerly A24 Films) is an emerging distributor of independent films based in New York. It started out as a rented office space downtown with a staff of under 50 people entirely aged under 45, cheap furniture, little to no hierarchy, and a single community Twitter account invading pop culture feeds, according to a 2015 Slate interview. It's still all that - but they have finally moved out of Battery Park. They distribute an average of 12 films a year - the same number greenlit by Hollywood studios in the mid-80s-early 90s.

MEGATHREAD 15/11/19 - Locked In There are less than 2 weeks to register to vote in time for the next election. You can register online at. SUMMARY The deadline for candidate nominations has now passed. Candidate lists are available on. Yesterday was the final day for candidate nominations to be submitted and finalised. As expected, The Brexit Party are standing in most non-Tory seats - however, there are some notable exceptions. Nigel Farage has claimed that the Conservatives offered Brexit Party candidates incentives to step down - something that the Conservatives deny. Priti Patel (the Home Secretary) said that, if they win a majority, the Conservatives would reduce "immigration overall" after Brexit. However, no details were announced about immigration policy or targets. There was some confusion over this claim throughout the day - at one point, she seemed to row back on the commitment. By the end of the day, Boris Johnson confirmed that the Conservatives would reduce unskilled migration to the UK.

Truly, it could not be from my own folly, for I am amazing. No, it was the fault of a language barrier too wide to cross. Peru, Brazil, Russia, they must be good at what they do to get to the high bracket, and I just needed to learn about their culture and language if I wanted to communicate better. I sold everything I owned to get a plane ticket and a laptop. I was going to be a Dota god. After arriving in Brazil I noticed two things immediatly; First, the wifi was excellent everywhere (hotspot was named G-ban). Secondly, there was Dota 2 advertisements everywhere. This astonished me as I have never seen any advertisement for Dota in my country, but here it was on everything. A sign for fresh fish with Tusk on it. The postal truck had Windrunner on the side. The herpes medication bottles with witch doctor reading "look at it go! ". Everywhere, on nearly every sign or business Dota was being advertised. It made no could a small, privately owned pepper stand on the side of the road have a Lina picture on their cardboard sign?

Wise sage keeping busy when GoDz is busy styling his hair. Lumi - Distract-dpm David. Constantly tempts dpm to take breaks - stops her from going nuts. Also, awesome feedback. Kawa - English Producer. Art Contributor. (I need to be nice or he might put random pics of me on the stream. ) Statsman Bruno & his friend - Website (Coming soon! Should be awesome! ) way2death - English Stream Animations Producer & helping me with the groups announcement w200me - Daily Recap Videos Producer Tusk_atre - Tournament Admin TheBloodyMassacre - Tournament Logo, Dota TV ticket designs Wyk - Announcement template Anonymous translator - Chinese translator Journalists - Will list out soon. Thanks for spreading the news. IceFrog thanks for that small thing... you know, continuing with DotA and making Dota 2. Thanks! =)

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