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Their relationship is fraught as both are headstrong and stubborn, but eventually she "gets it" and speaks properly. But the question arises: Will Higgin's views and strict teachings help or hinder her? I'll start off with the elements of the film that work very well for me. Rex Harrison nails a mysonginistic character with a heart, he doesn't seem all that aware that what he's saying is hurtful as his passion for what he does blinds him to the heart of the woman he's trying to mold. The supporting cast is decently assembled, with the standout supporting player being Stanley Holloway as Eliza's ne'er do-well alcoholic father Alfie, who gives the movie life it desperately needs at times. I am of the opinion that almost any score from the great duo of Lerner and Lowe is going to be absolutely wonderful and this movie is no exception. There are smatterings of brilliance in the dialogue and the story development but unfortunately this leads into many of the movie's problems. Chief among the films problems is it is far too overblown.

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"Vai via" dico a denti stretti. "Bea, dài, lasciami mio figlio per un po'. Non sparisco mica. " "Tesoro, vai a giocare in camera" dico facendo scendere Marco dalle mie braccia. Lui obbedisce, apre la finestra e sgattaiola in casa, turbato. "Che cazzo ti prende" strillo spingendolo dalle spalle. "Non mi porterai via Marco, hai capito?! Non me lo porterai via, non te lo permetterò! " "Stai calma" mi dice a bassa voce. Bestemmia, fruga nella tasca e pesca fuori una sigaretta tutta rovinata, piegata in due. Se l'accende e fa un tiro. "Mi sono perso tutto, Bea. Mi sono perso tutto e volevo solo cercare di recuperare. " Incrocio le braccia al petto e quasi mi manca il respiro. Sento gli occhi inumidirsi e il corpo di Luke si trasforma in una figura informe e sfocata. Non piangere, non piangere. E invece piango. Lascio che le lacrime mi corrano sulle guance fino a finire per terra, sulle assi di legno nuove. Tengo la testa bassa. "Non puoi cercare di riprenderti qualcosa che ti sei perso per sempre" mormoro tirando su col naso.

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Emmanuelle (1974) Emmanuelle, a svelte, naive young woman, is en route to Bangkok where she'll join her new husband. He works for the French Embassy and has a lovely home, several dedicated servants, and an expensive car at his disposal. Once Emmanuelle arrives, her husband and a few friends introduce her to a realm of sexual ecstasy she'd never imagined.

WARNING: If you couldn't tell by the headline, this post contains huge, massive, potentially life ruining spoilers for Avengers Endgame. Don't keep reading unless you want to know how Tony Stark's character arc wraps up and the secrets of cheeseburgers in the MCU. One of the many things that sets MCU films apart from so many other superhero offerings is their fanatical attention to detail. Over the course of 11 years, there are call backs to brief moments and lines of dialogue that intertwine through all 22 films. That can be frustrating for causal fans, but utterly rewarding for those who have watched, dissected and loved the entirety of the MCU. One of the most subtle and lesser known of those details is how and why cheeseburgers are so important to Tony Stark. It all starts with the key a scene in the first Iron Man film, which came out in 2008. Tony, having finally escaped his captors, is now safely in a limo with Pepper and Happy. There are two things he wants, he says. A good, old fashioned American cheeseburger, and, after a pause for comic affect, a press conference.

January 6, 2021, 5:53 pm