Ver Catherine The Great

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  4. Why was Catherine II of Russia called Catherine the Great? - Quora
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Compared to the rest of her life, it was. When she was ten years old, the future empress was introduced to the husband chosen for her by her family, her second cousin Charles Peter Ulrich of Schleswig-Holstein-Gottorp. Later known as Peter III, he had been designated the future tsar of Russia by his aunt Elizabeth, the Empress of Russia. Elizabeth was unmarried, had no children, and needed an heir, so she selected Peter for the throne, and Sophie as his wife. The presumptive Russian tsar's marriage to the Prussian princess was intended to strengthen the Russian monarchy's friendship with Prussia and quash Austrian influence over the Russian crown. Sophie disliked her future husband, but knew what was expected of her. She worked to endear herself to the Russian empress Elizabeth and studied hard for her future role, learning the language, converting to Eastern Orthodoxy, and changing her name to Ykaterina, or Catherine, when she was betrothed. In 1745, when she was 16, she married. Seventeen years later, Peter III finally became tsar of Russia.

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But Peter had few Russian allies—and his wife was not among them. Just six months after taking power, he went on a trip to Germany. Catherine took advantage of his absence to declare herself sole ruler of Russia in 1762. Peter died soon afterward; historians still debate whether that was his wife's doing or the work of his many political enemies. ( This "pretender princess" tried to steal Catherine the Great's throne. ") The new empress set to work consolidating her rule and her legacy. She expanded Russia's borders considerably during her reign, annexing Crimea, Ukraine, Lithuania, Poland, and other territory; Russia's population nearly doubled during her rule. She also attempted to modernize Russian government and laws, but her Enlightenment-influenced ideals were not shared by the Russian nobility, which objected to the proposed laws' relative lenience toward serfs. The laws never went into effect, and under her reign, the nobility increased its power over their indentured servants.

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1. Catherine the Great's name wasn't Catherine, and she wasn't even Russian. The woman whom history would remember as Catherine the Great, Russia's longest-ruling female leader, was actually the eldest daughter of an impoverished Prussian prince. Born in 1729, Sophie von Anhalt-Zerbst enjoyed numerous marital prospects due to her mother's well-regarded bloodlines. In 1744, 15-year-old Sophie was invited to Russia by Czarina Elizabeth, a daughter of Peter the Great who had assumed the Russian throne in a coup just three years earlier. The unmarried and childless Elizabeth had chosen her nephew Peter as heir and was now in search of his bride. Sophie, well trained by her ambitious mother and eager to please, made an immediate impact on Elizabeth, if not her intended husband. The marriage took place on August 21, 1745, with the bride (a new convert to Orthodox Christianity) now bearing the name Ekaterina, or Catherine. 2. Catherine's eldest son—and heir—may have been illegitimate. Catherine and her new husband had a rocky marriage from the start.

Why was Catherine II of Russia called Catherine the Great? - Quora

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7. Contrary to popular myth, Catherine died a fairly mundane, uneventful death. Given the empress' shocking reputation, it's perhaps not surprising that gossip followed her wherever she went, even to the grave. After her death on November 17, 1796, her enemies at court began spreading various rumors about Catherine's final days. Some claimed that the all-powerful ruler had died while on the toilet. Others took their lurid storytelling even further, perpetuating a myth that has endured for centuries: that Catherine, whose lustful life was an open secret, had died while engaging in a sex act with an animal, usually believed to be a horse. Of course, there is no truth to this rumor. Though her enemies would have hoped for a scandalous end, the simple truth is that Catherine suffered a stroke and died quietly in her bed the following day. READ MORE: Why Catherine the Great's Enemies Turned Her into a Sex Fiend 8. Catherine's eldest son met the same grisly fate as his father. Catherine had a famously stormy relationship with her eldest son, Paul.

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January 6, 2021, 12:41 am