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Sydney's hospital buddy What I really hope is that this movie sets a precedent for future Hallmark Originals with love triangles that don't involve infidelity. My only issue with this movie was the scene discussing the girls' disorderly conduct. I get that it's a small town, but you don't just make up your own stuff as a judge because of grand-pappy's weird gnome. And of course there always has to be a random Tiara question … why the heck is there more snow in this "Countdown to Valentine's Day" movie than any of the "Winterfest" movies?! Happy Valentine's Day!

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Les 400 pages de documents secrets révélés par le quotidien américain offrent un très rare aperçu des mécanismes à l'œuvre dans la région. Place financière sophistiquée et tirelire des élites du Parti communiste, Hongkong n'est pas le Xinjiang. Cependant, la répression menée par Pékin dans cette province rétive du «Far West» chinois, peuplée majoritairement de musulmans turcophones, en dit long sur l'état d'esprit du nouvel empereur rouge, Xi Jinping, et sur la nature de son pouvoir. À ce titre, les 400 pages de documents secrets publiés ce week-end par le New York Times offrent un très rare aperçu des mécanismes à l'œuvre au Xinjiang, en réaction aux attentats attribués aux indépendantistes ouïghours. À lire aussi: Chine: ils ont vécu l'enfer des camps de «rééducation» du Xinjiang Le numéro un chinois a donné l'ordre dès 2014 d'être «sans aucune pitié» contre «le terrorisme, l'infiltration et le séparatisme» dans la province autonome du Xinjiang, selon les documents internes au régime communiste révélés par le prestigieux quotidien américain.

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Arachnoquake Film poster Screenplay by Paul A. Birkett Story by Eric Forsberg Directed by Griff Furst Starring Megan Adelle Gralen Bryant Banks Paul Boocock Country of origin United States Original language English Production Producer Kenneth M. Badish Cinematography Lorenzo Senatore Editor Misty Talley Running time 86 mins Production company Active Entertainment Release Original release June 23, 2012 Arachnoquake is a 2012 made for television horror film directed by Griff Furst and starring Megan Adelle, Gralen Bryant Banks, and Paul Boocock. It aired on Syfy. Plot [ edit] Earthquakes begin occurring in New Orleans as the result of a fracking operation. Bus driver Charlie is called in as a replacement for another driver who is out sick, and has to drive a group of cheerleaders. In the meantime, his wife Katelynn, and children Justin, and Annabel go on a bus tour around the city. On the bus, they meet the driver Paul, whose family, consisting of sister Petra, and father Roy, run a boating tour business in the swamps.

January 6, 2021, 8:14 pm