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What happened to Colt after the Chimera Ant Arc? Reina reunited with her mom at the end of Chimera Ant Arc, but does Colt ever get to reunite with his mom in the manga, or does he stay with (girl) Kite? Also, when Colt met his mother while the... asked Sep 21 at 23:14 Does hisoka die in the 2011 anime or in the manga before I finished hxh I heard that hisoka died, but when I finished the anime he didn't die so i'm a little confused about it. I'm asking this question on here because google won't give me the answer. asked Sep 20 at 18:11 Where was Kurapika while Gon was dying? Title says it all. Kurapika was completely absent while Gon was almost dead. In the anime, it showed one flashback to Kurapika sitting on a chair, but thats all. Was this explained at all? asked Aug 5 at 23:46 Was it not possible to see Illumi's needle with gyo? Hisoka uses In to conceal his bungee gum which is visible with gyo, so I figured Illumi must have also masked his needle with In. I think anyone could see with gyo that Killua has a different aura on... asked May 27 at 0:04 What did Hisoka whisper to Bodoro?

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Cierta noche, durante una "furiosa" tormenta, Julia estuvo a punto de caer del árbol donde vivia, al que llamaba " Luna ". Cuando estuvo próxima a rendirse y caer desde más de 100 metros de altura, ella «escucho» lo que posteriormente llamó " la voz de Luna ", diciéndole que "solo las ramas rígidas se rompen, las flexibles sobreviven". En completo abandono Julia dejo de luchar contra las fuerzas de la naturaleza, y siguiendo los consejos de Luna, se aproximó a ramas más jóvenes en donde permaneció hasta que finalizo la tormenta. Durante su estadía en Luna, también tuvo que afrontar varias enfermedades, incluyendo un virus que afecto sus riñones. Para todas sus afecciones utilizó medicinas naturales incluyendo algunas que provenían de plantas que se encontraban en las cercanías de Luna, que le eran proporcionadas por su equipo de apoyo. Con respecto a su relación con los animales, ella nos cuenta que los insectos fueron sus mayores maestros. En los primeros meses sufrió picaduras de todo tipo de arañas, avispas, abejas y hormigas.

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Hi, while im stream Planet Zoo with obs my fps in obs drops low 10-20 while normal is 60fps. I think my gpu is going 100% usage and there is no room for obs to use gpu streaming, i use NVENC. Is there some setting that could give obs more power? I have above normal setting in use obs advanced settings procress priority. I7-4790k and 1080ti with 1440p and 144hz level 1 Just stop streaming Planet Zoo for everybody's sake. This isn't the way to get help. Post an OBS log. Google your problem. We don't know what you're trying to encode at. NVENC uses a different chip for encoding but if you're at 100% GPU load that's definitely an issue. OBS log tells anyone trying to help you all of the 1400 pieces of this equation that you haven't included in your post for help. If you're not sure how to do that, Google is your friend. level 2 Funny how you say that after you ask almost same question ~23days ago. Your post also dont have any obs logs so shill mr salty guy.

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