Watch Fringe Season 2 Episode 17

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Hello folks... so this is an odd and somewhat convoluted one so only the most seasoned of thinkers need plumb these depths of madness. :P My friend posted this too Facebook. IBM creating the first commercial Quantum computer. Which reminded me of the heavy research I had done into quantum computing and computing in general and of course the IBM/HAL connection in 2001 which then reminded me of the 9-11-2001 monolith connections and so I just had to use this opportunity to Segway into some 9-11 truths. I will try and recreate my post as best I can as it is still locked in "facebook jail" so too speak. ….......................................................................................................................................................... Its fitting that IBM was the one to come out with the commercial quantum computer. 2001 a space Odyssey has HAL which is one letter shifted from IBM. The Hilton hotel in 2001 a space odyssey and the Millennium Hilton witnessed the events on 9-11-2001.

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Fringe A list I made while watching the show that is finally complete after having just finishing it.

Those are the exact words Darth Maul says when Savage finds him. Creepy isn't it? I also noticed that the Altar of Mortis is the same shape as a Sith Holocron. I'm sure there are many others, which is why I would find it very interesting to watch this episode over and over again. I love Ahsoka turning evil, and the banter that occurs because of that. The twist at the end (daughter's death) is also a great twist. I also really love the music in the final fight; the vocal opera sound is incredible and really elevates the scene for me. I have 2 major problems with this episode. The first is that I feel like not much happens (that is actually useful). Other than the daughters death, everything else gets undone at the end. Yeah, maybe that is too harsh of a criticism. You know what, just count that as a nitpick instead. My other problem is that the lightsaber and lightning fights are actually pretty terrible fight scenes. They all feel slow and 'forced' (hehe, I made an unfunny pun). I don't know, I feel like the fight (especially Son vs Daughter) is designed too much to be a spectacle.

Again, am I too harsh? Look, just accept that I don't enjoy it as much as the others ok? Despite being the letdown episode in this arc, its similar style and uniqueness still make for a good watch. It's just that the bar was set so high from the first episode. 59: The Academy Season 3 Episode 6 From the Arc: Mandalore Crisis Part 2 Placement in arc: 1/2 Arc Average: 81 Arc Median: 81 Arc Final Score: 81 I will be honest, but this episode is the highest one that I haven't actually seen in a quite a while. Therefore, my review will be fairly short compared to others, and when I rewatch it again it may change rankings (up or down 10, but not much more than that). Anyway, every episode from here on will have very detailed review. So; I like that Ahsoka has to solve the problems without a lightsaber. I like that the evil person isn't separatist or some other 'evil gang', and in fact that he isn't really evil at all. I really like the shock collar, and that whole final fight scene as a whole.

56: Deception Season 4 Episode 15 From the Arc: Jedi Spy Placement in Arc: 3/4 Arc Average: 59. 5 Arc Median: 59. 5 For me, the prison setting is what really makes this episode great. The prison is completely unique, and it is so weird seeing Obi-wan around criminals. The banter with Cad Bane is all enjoyable, and the prison break is especially fun to watch. I also really love Anakins anger at Obi-wan's death. The way he acts is funny to watch. I like that we see Boba again. I also really like that opening action scene with the sniper; it is a great way to start the episode. Once again we get to see how far the Jedi have fallen, because fake killing one of your own is definitely not morally correct. My main problem with this episode is that certain scenes drag on for too long. Really, for a full 20 minutes Obi-wan fake dies, Obi-wan meets Cad Bane in prison, Obi-wan and Cad Bane escape prison. Also, I feel like the prison break is too easy. Yes, maybe they let them escape because they wanted to find out about the plot.

57: Grievous Intrigue Season 2 Episode 9 From the Arc: Battle of Saleucami Placement in Arc: 2/2 Arc Average: 57 Arc Median: 57 The action scene at the start is very cool, and it's interesting to see a Jedi get captured. The space battle isn't much of a battle, and I feel like it was a missed opportunity. Grievous vs Obi-wan is a great lightsaber fight though, as is the clones vs grievous (cable). I love that scene with the tactical droid chasing his arm. The end of that scene is funny and genius. The end of this episode as a whole feels a little anticlimactic, but at least it wasn't pointless like other episodes. The hyperspace jump to right next to the ship is a cool new tactic, and the visualisation of them coming out of hyperspace is very nice. In the end, this is a very solid episode, with hardly anything bad about it. But apart from the Grievous vs Obi-wan duel, not much is unique. Again, a generic Season 2 episode. Tricky for me to rank, because I enjoy it quite a bit, but in the grand scheme of things it isn't very memorable.

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Olivia. In the Lab. With the Revolver. Watch Fringe Season 2 Episode 17 Online Free HD here at You will be able to watch and stream TV Shows with subtitles in english at anytime without any restrictions. A healthy woman dies of rapid-onset cancer in a matter of minutes, and the Fringe team is called in to investigate. The killer has connections to Jacksonville… and Olivia is a potential victim. Meanwhile, Olivia tries to come to terms with her knowledge of Peter's origins. Apr. 08, 2010

April 30th 2020 I'm watching "a farewell to Fringe" because I finally finshed this show. 2015 I started watching this show and got to season 3 where Fauxlivia got pregnant. "Wtf why?!?! Season 3 is where the show becomes SO GOOD?!?!? ". The answer: Netflix Holland deleted it. After that I had to focus on different stuff like school. Even though I constantly I thought about Fringe cases during chem or physics classes I forgot about continueing the show. April 17 2020 My mom and I try to keep ourselves entertained with tv shows during quarantine. We just finished a dutch show called Penoza (it's like a Breaking Bad/Weeds hybrid) and needed a new show to watch. Good thing I wanted to flirt with someone who was rewatching... FRINGE. I suggested my mom to watch the show together the next day. I put on the show and my mom watched along while croheting a pink seahorse (omg now I just noticed that's a funny coincidence). After a few episodes my mom told me that the thought it was "an okay show" and that I could continue watching it without her.

The failed Jedi mind trick is a nice new twist as well (as a surprise). The cadets can be a little annoying, but it could have been way worse. I also like the theme of corruption. Fun fact, but I actually learnt what corruption meant just from watching this episode (when i was young). My major problem is, that the cloaked figure in the hologram sounds exactly like the Prime Minister. Like seriously, it's way too obvious. Is it more obvious than Goldy or that Rodian in Senate Murders (damn, i forgot her name). No, I think those other 2 are way more obvious. Wow, this review is way more detailed than I thought it was going to be. In the end, this is a very nice and memorable episode, that despite some issues, is still great. 58: The Zillo Beast Season 2 Episode 18 From the Arc: Legend of the Zillo Beast Placement in arc: 1/2 Arc Average: 93 Arc Median: 93 Arc Final Score: 93 The battle at the start (despite not really being a battle) is amazing. The electric bomb is one of my favourite things in all of Clone Wars.

January 5, 2021, 10:54 pm