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Seven Samurai (1954): Peasants besieged by bandits are looking to hire heroes to secure the village, train the farmers, and defeat the bandits. They can only pay with food but there are rumors that the peasants may be wealthier than they appear and they are hiding caches of valuables around the town that an evil Party could steal. During the training process for the town, the bandits provide the Party the opportunity to switch sides and split the loot from the town (the peasants are liars, after all). When running this, play up the planning stage and integrate the plans into a sort of tower-defense style combat. Eyes Without A Face (1960): A scientist whose hubris has disfigured his beautiful daughter kidnaps attractive young women of a similar build and appearance to conduct face transplants; the faces never take. In his manor there is a room full of dogs (or other beasts) with swapped faces before you get to his laboratory. Plot point, the daughter is as much a victim as a perpetrator of this horror.

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This woman also ended up dating a male streamer she had a massive crush on and she pretty much saw her as being the opposite of all the insecurities she had about herself. Anyhow it was pretty glorious to lurk in her chat and see her reaction when it blew up with people going "holy shit! Malgoll just donated 700 dollars to fpschick! " just the look of utter confusion on her face would have broken my heart if I didn't know how duplicitous she truly was. She ended up pm'ing me "what's going on, what did I do? " but after sending screenshots of all her forum posts I almost didnt want to include our wedding picture and truly make her live with regret for the rest Of her life after realizing I saw her as wife material. We've both moved on, she finally started streaming again and has a job in the gaming industry and I think I've finally found my future wife who I'm going to spend my remaining inheiritance on but its still tragic to realize that the one real shot at true love either Of us will probably have in our lives was ruined by something as silly as poking fun at how a person nibbles their food.

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Valoración: Sinopsis: El doctor Fausto es un hombre cuya vida se desmorona. Especialista en el campo de la medicina terminal, toda su vida se desarrolla entre pacientes al borde de la muerte. Él mismo, encerrado en un trabajo rutinario y desalmado, se está convirtiendo en un cadáver. Fausto es un hombre sin sueños, más cerca de la muerte que de la vida. El único contacto que el doctor tiene con la realidad es Julia, su será quien perciba los cambios que experimenta Fausto, hasta verse involucrada, sin saberlo, en el juego de los deseos. El doctor Fausto tiene que participar en una convención sobre medicina terminal que se celebra en una ciudad indefinida, un paisaje urbano futurista y decadente, reflejo de la sociedad enferma y desgastada del momento. Al llegar, en la estación, tropieza con Santos Vella, un hombre que afirma haber sido paciente suyo. Lo que Santos le dice, asombra y asusta a Fausto: asegura haberle desahuciado ocho años atrás. Santos es un ser grosero, inquietante y seductor, un típico charlatán y arrogante que se inmiscuye sin contemplaciones en la vida del doctor, un guía con dotes de prestidigitador, empecinado en confrontar a Fausto con lugares nada transitados de su vida.

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Las lágrimas saltaron Tienen bigote … Desperté en la hierba Bailarines de mosquitos Ranas y sapos en los lagos Cantó en la corriente Castores jóvenes Los ratones respondieron En madrigueras: — En la arboleda, En el borde En campo Y en la fila * Llorar Y reír malo ¡Uno!.. — La liebre lloró Suspiró con cansancio Y, volante de orejas, Debajo del árbol Me quedé dormido. Camino forestal — Setas y moras, — En el oso frambuesa El camino se zambulló. Follaje perezoso La brisa se agita Arañazos en ella Como un raton … En pasto bajo el arbusto El pequeño oso se queja — Me atiborré de frambuesas con sueño. Mira las bayas Pero no se lo lleva a la boca Ojos enojados Frotaciones traviesas. Y Lena suspiró: — ¡No estoy sola! — Y silenciosamente se hizo a un lado. — ¡Llora, ayuda al osito! esperaré Me sentaré en un tocón Cloudberry en una cuerda Lo colgaré. — Plakunchik suavizado Bigote gris, Tragado de la violeta Gotas de miel Entrecerrar los ojos, lloriquear, lloriquear Y entonces — Sacudió su barba Cómo rugirá … El cachorro de oso parpadeó Y luego, silenciosamente, Una lágrima con una lágrima Lo lamí con mi lengua.

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Season 1 11 Jan. 2019 The Quintessential Quintuplets Uesugi Fuutarou lands a tutoring job that promises five times the normal pay. As it turns out, it's going to take more than five times the work. 18 Jan. 2019 Rooftop Confession Futaro proposes an exam to settle the debate of whether or not the quintuplets need a tutor. 25 Jan. 2019 A Mountain of Problems Nino isn't happy that Futaro is beginning to get along with her sisters, so she takes matters into her own hands. 1 Feb. 2019 A Day Off Futaro receives his first pay, and decides to take Raiha to the arcade, where she's always wanted to go. 8 Feb. 2019 Five Fifths The fireworks have started, but the girls are still split up. Ichika wanders off on her own, and Futaro goes after her. 15 Feb. 2019 What's Been Built Up The midterm exams are coming up, and the girls' father set Futaro up to a seemingly impossible task. 22 Feb. 2019 Liar McLieface Futaro spent the night at the quintuplets' apartment. He wakes up to an unexpected situation.

Jake ( Leo James Davis) seems perfectly happy at preschool wearing tutus and playing Cinderella in the dress-up corner. This is a kid who has the entire Disney princess collection on DVD and wants to go as Rapunzel for Halloween. Jake's mother, Alex ( Claire Danes), who put her career as a lawyer on hold to be a stay-at-home mom, assumes this is just a phase and doesn't think there's any cause for concern. But Jake's dad, Greg ( Jim Parsons, who's also one of the film's producers), is a therapist. And as reports from the school principal ( Octavia Spencer) about Jake's outbursts and stubbornness become more frequent, Greg believes having his child see a psychologist could provide some guidance. A quietly simmering anxiety comes to a boil as Alex and Greg thrust themselves into the fraught process of applying for private schools. "A Kid Like Jake" vividly depicts this most bougie of ordeals: the campus tours where all the couples look alike and radiate the same thrum of anxiety, the cutthroat competition, the naked striving.

January 6, 2021, 7:24 am