Streaming Film Dumbo 2019


Michael was seen arriving at the set on Monday with Sally and Harry where they were met with security guards wearing face masks. Exciting: The ITV soap recently resumed filming after production was halted for nearly three months due to the coronavirus pandemic (Sally Dynevor pictured) Stylish: Alexandra, 26, who plays Emma Brooker, made a glamorous arrival in her baby blue MINI Cooper Co-stars: The trio were also joined by co-stars Sally Carman (Abi Franklin) and Harry Visinoni (Seb Franklin) at the Manchester studios (L-R) The set and studios also had a series of signs enforcing social distancing upon arrival. As the actors return to filming, the plan is to make enough shows to continue airing three episodes a week to ensure the soap remains on-screen in July. ITV bosses previously confirmed that older cast members will be kept at home during the first few weeks of filming. Leading the way: Michael, 55, who plays Kevin Webster led the soap stars as he was seen arriving first in his black car on Wednesday Casual: The actor appeared to cut a casual figure in a grey padded hoodie Andy Whyment (Kirk) also revealed that kissing scenes will be banned in accordance with new social distancing measures.

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January 7, 2021, 1:34 am